About Us


Three Plus One Media aims to give voice to unique and varied perspectives with an emphasis on amplifying marginalized points of view. We do this by maintaining active social media platforms, recording and streaming productions on our YouTube channel, and hosting events supporting the communities we serve. Three Plus One Media explores politics, entertainment, culture, and social media trends and aims to dissect and delve deeply into the issues that impact Black, Brown, and LGBTQIA+ communities. Throughout our channel, viewers can depend on honest, unfiltered commentary that is unbossed, unbought, and unbothered. 


Three Plus One Media strives to create a digital space highlighting emerging voices and spot-lighting events/ issues that impact Black and Brown communities. We seek to achieve this by providing a platform for aspiring and rising talent of various genres. Additionally, we highlight the accomplishments of trailblazers who light the way forward for these communities. 

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